If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and asked, “are there any hot milfs near me?” then you’re playing the game wrong. Seriously. You’re just playing the game to lose. A lot of guys, unfortunately, are in the exact same position as you. Don’t feel too lonely. Don’t feel like you’re some sort of statistical aberration. You’re not. Most guys play the game to lose.
I know that misery loves company. I know that statement probably makes you feel a lot better about you jerking off all lonely and broke at night, but if you truly want to take your game to the next level, you have to stop asking, “are there any hot milfs near me?” Instead, ask “are there any hot women around me that deserve me? ” That should be your attitude when you’re on milffinder.us
You have to understand that the law of attraction, when it comes to pussy, is rock solid. Now, the law of attraction gets a lot of bad press. A lot of people are saying that it’s fraud, that it’s bullshit, that it won’t work. Some people even claim that it’s as useless as tits on a guy. Well, I’m telling you, the law of attraction does work.
Why? It’s not about just you sitting back with your dick in your hand daydreaming that all these women will bust your door down and get down on their knees and start going to town on your body. It doesn’t work like that. The law of attraction is not the text version of some sort of Japanese porno script. Instead, it’s all about letting your thoughts push you to taking the right action.
If you understand this, then you would know that the world doesn’t give a fuck about what you think. It doesn’t give a fuck about your emotions. It doesn’t give a damn about your intentions. All it cares about is what you actually do. That’s how the law of attraction works.
If you keep focusing on “milfs near me” intensely to such an extent that it’s more important to you than breathing, pissing and shitting, then eventually, it would affect the signals you’re sending out to the world. It will affect your personal vibrations to the rest of the world and it will change your actions. Once your actions change, then you’ve changed the game. Do you see how this works? Good.
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